New Year, Same vibe!

Hi Everyone, 

I hope you're having a Great Morning/Night!

In this blog, I will discuss about New Year's Resolutions, Hibernation, and Reflecting. 

Happy New Years Everyone! I haven't written a blog in some time. I had so many ideas whirling in my head. I've been trying to organize myself to make the writing process a bit easier for myself.

I can say I'm excited to discuss the New Year, and this year already feels like it is going to be an amazing year already. I want to reflect on 2022, what I learned, and what I want to take with me in the future.

This is the time when a lot of people on social media like to make an action plan, or set goals or a vision board for how the year will look for them. If you did make a vision board and if you didn't it's all good, you're not behind. You will accomplish everything you ever wanted to do. 

Try not to focus too much on other people's goals and try your best not to compare where you are, with anyone. Everybody's life journey is different and personal. You are on your own timeline. You got this!

I also know that when New Year's happens, many people want to feel refreshed, recharged, and motivated. I just want to say sometimes it's hard to be encouraged or be hesitant about how to accomplish your goals and that is okay.

I believe winter is the time to "hibernate" you may not know what that term means. All it means is being graceful, slowing down, and allowing yourself to be at any moment. It's all about balance. You can have a social life and be a homebody.

Animals hibernate in the winter and come back out in the springtime.
Think of yourself as a plant seed in the hibernation phase of the season, the seed is in the soil slowly growing and sprouting and when springtime comes around the seed that once was, will be bloomed and fully grown in all its beautiful glory.

2022 was a beautiful year. I learned and grew so much. Some things that I'll proceed to look back on are: 
- Letting go of Anger
- Accepting, and validating my feelings
- Shifting my perspective 
- Being kind
- Isolation and solitude are different
- Made the foundation of self-love
- Community love

These are some things I've learned and I am proud of myself for making them a lesson for myself.

At the end of the day, you have yourself to care for, support, and show up for. Don't be persuaded, or misguided, or let negative language affect you. You get to control how you want to respond, your boundaries, and your mindset. 

You're the main character of your life. Be who you want to be.

Thank you for reading and hope your 2023 is as amazing as you!


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